Thursday, February 10, 2011

Awesome and Awkward Thursday

  • My speed walking abilities when it is cold. I am talking world champion potential. Vrooming past the whole men's lacrosse team at my college as i treked from my car to the science building at my college (that is of course the furthest building away from where I have to park).  My corduroys making a swishing noise with every step (or ganter) I took.  If that isn't bad enough, one of them asking if I had to pee really bad.  "Umm no buddy, it's below zero outside in case you didn't notice". 
  • Printing out my entire 14 page lab report I slaved over last night, proudly handing it to my professor, only to find out that she is greatly offended by tree killers like myself.  Ohhh the joys of our science department. Guess I'm not getting an A++ on this one folks.
  • Coffee breath, and no gum. All day.
  • Being the only one on my campus to wear a plaid flannel shirt on National College Flannel Shirt Day.
  • Singing up my flight of stairs coming home from the gym, and not stopping until I finally realize two guys are glaring at me. 
  • Cookies were brought to lab. CHOCOLATE chip ones. Who doesn't need a cookie in lab?
  • My Sperry Topsider pink and brown plaid duck boots. They have wool in them. Waterproof, Warm, and Cute? Sounds like a good deal to me.
  • Bragging about my spring break cruise with Pat to Mexico and Grand Cayman. Motivation right there.
  • Doing top secret activities for Pat for Valentine's Day. Shhhhh!
  • Max has a howl for me. Only for me when I come home. He only does it then, and he pees.  It makes me feel loved and missed every time. 
  • Packing for Annapolis tomorrow. Which means Pat, to myself. For a whole weekend. After two big stinking weeks apart. So excited I won't sleep tonight. Yep, he still makes me all mushy.  

I love him.
What were you're awkward and awesome moments Thursday? Almost TGIF!

1 comment:

  1. I love that you wore a plaid flannel shirt today. Clearly the others cannot follow simple directions. And that sweet Max! There is nothing like being a mummy to a precious little westie, is there?
