Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Puppy Here...

Hey Preps!
Max here...(or Sir Maxwell Smart to those of you I consider my "underdogs")

Kalyn and I are both bummed about the Super Bowl.  See I wore my jersey and everything! I thought that it'd be a guarenteed win for the Steelers, if I let Kalyn squeeze me into this thing.  Oh well...don't I look cute? Of course my "people" always think I look cute.  Right now, Kalyn has a huge lab report to do. When she's busy, I get very restless, and bring her every toy I own to convince her to play.  However, right now that doesn't seem to be working so I guess I have to pass the time by writing this post to you. 

How have your days been?

Mine was pretty lazy. I slept really late today...I am talking 6:00AM! Then I woke Kalyn up by scratching.  It's winter, and my skin gets really itchy; plus it's a great way to get Kalyn moving.  We went outside but it was way too cold for me and after a quick potty I rushed inside for some breakfast.  Then Kalyn left me...she always leaves me and I don't know where she goes. 

Boy do I get excited when she comes home though, like right now.  Except what is she doing? Writing the longest lab report ever.  Hopefully she will be done soon, so we can play, and I can have my daily puppy massages.  Maybe then she will have time to write a good post as well :)

Have a wooof wooof night!


1 comment:

  1. Awww...Louis LOVES his daily puppy massages as well :) And here I thought I was the only one who spoiled my little man that much. So glad to know I'm not!
