Monday, February 21, 2011


(((Friday. It was 63 degrees here. No jacket to class. It felt sooooooooo good.
Saturday. 45 degrees.  Still no complaining from Kalyn...
Monday. 37 degrees turns to 23 degrees. Rain turns to snow. Kalyn complains.)))

Hey Preps!

It's Monday alright! Hope you all are in warmer climates than the current conditions of Pittsburgh.  If not, God bless you! So, I have four days before it is my very own spring break.  Too bad that Pat's and my cruise doesn't set sail for another three weeks.  (Boo right?) However, since the past few weeks have been so busy, I just wanted to apologize.  Have a long list of posts I want to write, and haven't been able to get around to them.  In the meantime, I came across this picture on Tumblr today, and fell in love.  Let me share:
Blazers, Suits, Oxfords, Pink, and Navy...
Warm weather, friends, fun
Need I say more about my obsession with this?

It makes me desperately want spring to come.  Last week gave me false hope, and now all I can do is think about how badly I need to be in sundresses again.  Here are a few pictures from my weekend, and hopefully after my studying tonight, I can write a few posts that I have been itching to.  Happy President's Day to you all.  We are all so beyond blessed thanks to those who have sacrificed before us, and continue to sacrifice daily for each of our lives. 

Pat and I in Shady Side after eating at The Penn Avenue Fish Market,
and stopping at Prantl's Bakery for some of their famous Almond Torte Cake

Brit wearing Ralph Lauren while I wear Tommy Hilfiger (what else)

Pat is wearing a Vineyard Vines sail boat tie
like the one on my last post (birthday present from me)
and a white Polo Ralph Lauren button down oxford
(Valentine's Day present from me)

Hope you all had a warm and relaxing weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure you aren't in Smalltown, VA?? We had exactly the same weather. Thsi morning it was back to the car 10 minutes before I left to warm it up. Grr....

    You guys look adorable, as always, and I can't wait to hear about your cruise. Let the countdown begin!
