You know it's bad when you are alone in a computer lab
that is usually bursting at the seams with college kiddos.
Which is why I thought it'd be so cool to take pictures of myself,
since I can't any other time in here.
Pretty much hardcore rule breaker right here.
Transferring might have been worse than that first week of college your freshman year. You know, the week where you and your roommate realize that not all of your stuff is going to fit into the room as easily as you have to eat at the Caf, and have yet to figure out seating are oriented...yeah you know what I'm talking about if you are currently in or graduated from college.
Well why was transferring worse? No orientation, no group of kids who are clueless and have no friends like you, no mercy of the professors because you are an "upperclassman". Mainly, I have a bone to pick with one professor, who has made transferring a nightmare for me. He is my advisor, a Biochemistry professor, and yep, he of course WOULD be the one who got selected to be my mentor for my senior research.
So today alone this is what he did wrong according to Kalyn:
- Was 30 minutes late to our "meeting"
- Told me that my current college is much more academically challenging than my previous college (let me be the judge of that one buddy)
- Made fun of my Vera Bradley watch (no, no)
- Now he is making me stay late...why? Because he was late this morning of course
- So I should be sitting on this computer making a little graph of nothing...but he left for the day, and well...I'm not doing it
You see I am very hardworking when it comes to my academics. Almost to a point of
But stay tuned, because I am about to work on an actual post that has nothing to do with my boring personal life.