Friday, June 3, 2011

Prep World Collection

Hey Preps!

My love for Tommy Hilfiger is unending.  I really could go on about him for hours.  The way he combines classic preppy style with modern flairs in the fashion world is incomparable to that of any other designer.  In previous posts I have gone on about his different collections, and his new current world tour of his Prep World Pop-Up Store that he collaborated with author of True Prep's, Lisa Birnbach, to create.

The store is in a select few cities across the world (NYC and L.A. in the States).  However, this should not deterr you from purchasing some of the best new preppy key pieces found in any classic wardrobe...for Tommy has his new Prep World collection online!

Let Lisa Birnbach take you through all history and preppy inspiration found in the items of this timeless collection by clicking this link to Tommy's Prep World Collection

Here are a few of my top picks (for both men and women):

I have a pink button down oxford Polo dress similar to this one that I cinch with a D-ring ribbon belt

 Pat has colorful Nantucket red and green Chino well as his Madras chino pants.  
 I just love the Prep World Collection's logo on the slim polos
 I need a pair of shorts like these? Anyone know where I could find a pair?  Pat has shorts similar with lobsters on them...but the Anchors would be very popularly loved if worn in Annapolis
 Ladies! We can now wear colorful and flattering chino pants too!
 Another popular preppy item that would mesh well in Annapolis
I truly do agree that every Prep, both male and female should have a navy blazer!

Also, on the Prep World's Website page, you can enter your own preppy styles to possibly win the Prep World Challenge!  Be sure to do so, because I know you preppy bloggers have the best classic style of them all!

Here are the pictures I entered:

What do y'all think?  Have a blessed weekend sweet readers!


Nicole said...

HEY! I just came across your blog. I am from PA too (philadelphia area), and love everything prep. I also have a blog ( Hope to chat soon. here's my email:

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